Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Busy, busy

Today I shifted a lot of books from bookcases in my bedroom to shelves in a room I'm turning into a library. I almost said "repurposing," but that sounds like design show jargon.

And I planted some of the plants I bought yesterday. I dug the old rosemary out of the herb barrel and planted it in the ground, where it looks rather deformed, as it had been growing over the edge of the barrel. I planted the new rosemary in the barrel.

I planted four petunia starts in the barrel with the honeysuckle.

The blooms on the honeysuckle are progressing. They look purple; I'm excited for when they open. The petunia blooms should be purple as well. That really is my favorite color. Some years I get seduced by other colors and last year by a variegated purple and white. But I really love that rich, velvety dark purple color. Which you can't see yet, since they haven't bloomed.

When the honeysuckle and the petunias are blooming, this should attract hummingbirds, since they like trumpet-shaped flowers.

I planted the geraniums, with the bacopa between them. You can't really see the bacopa yet. It will trail out as it grows.

I decided to keep this under cover yet tonight, as I think it will be cold again.

I planted the calla lily. I am trusting that it won't freeze; this is only partially under cover.

Later I'll add begonias all around. I hope the calla lily thrives and blooms. It's so striking to have the bright begonias and then the stately lily rising out of the middle with the pure white bloom.

Here is St. Frances with the saxifraga next to him. It has overgrown its pot but it seems to be doing fine. I got it as a tiny start for free a few years ago when Hi Hoe nursery was giving them away.

This past Christmas, my folks gave me this little bird bath. I put some water in it today and placed it where I could see it from indoors if any birds come patronize it.

I hope it's sturdy enough to bear a bird's weight, if a bird does come. Otherwise, it will serve just as a pretty ornament. I could put pretty stones or shells in it.

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