Friday, June 22, 2018

Math whiz (not)

After work today, I stopped off at a grocery store to pick up a birthday card for my great-niece. By tradition, I put as many dollars as the child is turning inside the card, so when I made the purchase I also did the cash-back thing to pull $20 out of my checking account. That's one of the convenient amounts they offer. I actually needed $13.

I said to the cashier, "I did $20 cash back. Could I please get a ten, a five, and five ones?"

She said, "I don't have any tens, so I'll give you..." and she trailed off.

"Two fives," I said. "No, uh, three, um...Suddenly this is a lot of math."

She agreed with me. I did receive three fives and five ones, which (carry the one) does add up to twenty dollars.