Saturday, January 8, 2022

Another day, another chewed-up dollar

We had a little more snow today, which is one of those things that makes you say "ugh." It is forecast to freeze tonight and tomorrow night, but tomorrow day and the rest of the week it should be above freezing, which will allow the snow to melt. Rain most of next week, too, but that's normal for the Pacific Northwest. 

When one leads a fairly boring life, what else is there to write about than the weather? At least today I got up and stayed awake all day. I didn't do much other than browse the web and read a Georgette Heyer novel (A Civil Contract), but at least I wasn't snoring around the clock.

The most exciting occurrence was when my puppy Benedict got ahold of a paper piece of legal tender and started to chew it up. I was in the kitchen when I heard some crinkling and tearing noises. He often finds some piece of paper or a receipt or something and chews that up, but I just took a quick look and saw him destroying a large (to me) amount of money in the form of one bill. I yelled, "Noooo! No!" and ran to rescue it. Benedict ran in circles, evading my grasp, having a fun game of keep-away. We play this game a lot, when he chews on something that I'm worried will harm him, like a piece of foil or plastic, or a toothpick. The only way for me to win is to get him a treat. As soon as he sees me head that way, he drops whatever he has and runs after me. Beatrice comes running, too, because: treats. I don't hand it out until I find and confiscate what he was chewing on. In the case of a toothpick, that can be a challenge, but in the case of this piece of money I found it immediately, then gave them their treats. Little squares of freeze-dried beef liver. They love it.

Goofy little dogs.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Thrills and chills

2022 is off to a cold start, and 2021 had a cold ending. Christmas Day we had snow falling and the northeast wind blowing, to the point that my in-town and out-in-the-county family contingents had to meet separately, rather than drive through the drifts. We got together as one big group on January 2. 

We had more snow this week, and then some rain and snow mixed. The infamous wintry mix. Temperatures are hovering around freezing so that things melt then freeze again, making for smooth, slippery surfaces. The infamous black ice (actually, transparent ice, showing the black road surface underneath).

It was back to work this week, but then I was sick yesterday and today. Pretty much slept all day both days, and woke up a little while in the evenings. I feel quite cold right now; I don't know if it's because I'm having chills or because the cold from outside is seeping into the house. It will be good to get under a quilt again when I go to bed. I'm glad tomorrow is Saturday. I can sleep some more.

One's blog entry can't be very exciting when all one's done lately is sleep. So the "thrills" of my title is ironic, but the "chills" is for real.