Monday, May 21, 2012

Astrological wonders

Yesterday there was an annular eclipse, in which the moon blocks the center of the sun, and the edges of the sun shine around it. Here in Northwest Washington, it was just a partial eclipse, but we had heavy cloud cover and rain and so couldn't see it at all. It did become dark during the eclipse. I had forgotten all about it and when I went to walk my dog thought the weather must be particularly gloomy until I remembered the eclipse.

Where I live, it's oven cloudy while magnificent wonders are happening in the heavens. It makes certain decisions easier. For instance, if there's going to be a lunar eclipse or some special alignment of planets late at night, you wonder, should I stay up late to see it and be exhausted at work the next day, or just go to bed and miss some spectacular, once-in-a-lifetime event. When it's cloudy, you just go to bed. Easy decision.


Mavis said...

Way to, see the positive side, you Pollyanna, you. Lysmm

Janette Kok said...

I know. I'm just so darn positive all the time.

I see I wrote it's "oven" cloudy when I meant "often." Spell-checker missed that one.