Friday, August 16, 2013

The fall of the leaf

Sometime around mid-August, one usually sees the first signs of Fall. This year, right on schedule, on August 14, when I was driving to work I saw a branch of red leaves in an otherwise green tree.

This morning, while I was walking the dog, I saw red leaves scattered through a green maple tree. I saw two vees of geese flying and heard them honk. One was far away, the other was so close I thought they were going to land in the culvert I was walking toward. One put his feet down, like landing gear but then retracted them, and they flew on.

Unfortunately, from my point of view, hot temperatures persist during the day. It's been a hot, dry summer by Western Washington standards. I like summer sunshine, but I do like a few cloudy, cool days to break up the monotonous glare. Since the beginning of July, we've probably only had about three sprinkles of rain. Nothing substantial or lasting.

Today I have taken a vacation day from work so I can take my mom to the Northwest Washington Fair to eat poffertjes.

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Also, three of my great-nieces have pictures on display that they drew, so I'll definitely want to check those out.

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