Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas really is over

Well, I've got the Christmas tree down, out the door, dragged up the outside steps, and heaved into my dad's pickup. Now it's Miller time. Not really. It's time for coffee and pop tarts. Then I'll get the keys from my dad and drive the tree to the Christian school parking lot, where they are accepting them from 8:00 to noon.

I talked to my sister-in-law last night about needing to get the lights off then get it out to the curb before bed, so that the Boy Scouts could pick it up at the "butt-crack of dawn," as my nephew calls it. She said that in the Lynden Tribune it said you could take them to the school in the morning. That gave me the option to procrastinate overnight, so of course that's what I chose. In my own defense, I was worn out last night. This morning, after sleeping in good and long, I had the energy to tackle the job. I had to push furniture around to make room to drag the tree into the middle of the room so I could walk around it unwinding the strings of lights. Another strenuous job was popping it through the door. The bottom branches were a bit too wide to fit easily. Got 'er done, and toweled up the water that spilled out of the stand in the process. The furniture is still displaced and there are still copious needles on the floor, but that can wait.

I have to get the tree disposed of, bring back the pickup, take a shower, then go to my hair appointment, then have coffee with my folks. I have a very busy day ahead.

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