Thursday, July 7, 2011


Thank goodness it's Friday tomorrow. It hasn't been a bad week, really, but busy and stressful. Certain changes at my work--again, not bad in themselves--are taking some getting used to. And, my long-term employment is uncertain, so that's worrisome.

Two things I thought of. One is the movie Office Space. The main character in that movie feels trapped in his job and says to his co-worker, "What if in 50 years I'm still doing this same thing?" His co-worker replies, "It would be nice to have that kind of job security."

The other is yesterday I was driving home from work and thinking about my future, so I started to sing, "He's got the whole world in his hands." If you know that song, you know you can make up things to sing that he has "in his hands." I tried, "He's got my employment situation in his hands," but it didn't quite fit the rhythm of the song. I ended up with, "He's got our jobs and our schools in his hands."

Last night I posted a video of the song, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God," because that verse has come before me several times at church and in other ways. I was going to say it has recurred fortuitously, but of course that is the wrong word. Providentially is more correct.


Mavis said...

Could be "He's got our jobs and our future in His hands." ;0

Janette Kok said...

That works. :-)