Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday night

Well, I'm headed into two weeks of abbreviated work hours and shorter work weeks. You can't beat that with a stick, as my dad would say. Somehow the shorter hours and fewer days take away a lot of Sunday night stress. Not that my Sunday stress is too bad normally, but I always have that feeling on Sunday night that the workweek ahead can't be any longer than it is now.

I had much, much higher Sunday night stress when I was a high school teacher. Then, Sunday night was an actively unhappy time because I had so much anxiety about the week ahead. I always felt--and generally with good reason--behind in my my work when I was a teacher. I could never keep up with the grading and would swirl into a vicious cycle of guilt and anxiety that would end only with the end of the school year.

For some reason, my current job as a paralegal causes me the least stress in my off hours of any job I've had. I think part of that is my increased age and better perspective on things, but part of it must be the job, too.

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