Thursday, December 30, 2010

Six Geese A-Laying

Happy sixth day of Christmas!

I don't think in real life I have ever eaten a goose egg. Presumably they're bigger than chicken eggs.

"Goose eggs" are also zeroes in scoring baseball.

And then there's the goose that lays golden eggs, a goose you should never kill.

And there's the game "Duck,duck, goose."

Tonight, December 30th, is New Year's Eve Eve. Har.

It's nice to have New Year's on the weekend and get a 3-day weekend out of it. I have tomorrow off from work and then the weekend.

Then will be the dreaded Monday after the holidays.

I had a supervisor once who told a joke about someone who is sent to h-e-double-toothpicks, and he is given the choice of what chamber of punishment to be in. He sees all kinds of places he doesn't think he could take, but then he sees a room where the people are just standing around drinking coffee, although they are covered with excrement, and excrement is waist high in the room. He figures that's not so bad, so chooses that room. Then, everyone finishes their coffee and a loudspeaker instructs: "Break's over. Everybody back on your heads."

See, they have to stand on their heads in that room.

So going back to work on the Monday after the holidays is like: "Everybody back on your heads."

But it's not Monday yet. Tony Campolo talked about a sermon he heard that revolved around the sentence, "It's Friday, but Sunday's coming!" The Friday being Good Friday and the Sunday being Easter. In a work-a-day world, I tend to think, "It's Friday and Monday's not coming that soon." "Okay, it's Saturday and Monday's still a day away." "It's Sunday, but Monday isn't until tomorrow."

What I think on Monday is not fit to print.

I did look up the saint of the day: Anysia.

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