Sunday, October 10, 2010

What am I doing here?

So I'm getting ready to head over to my great-nephew's birthday celebration, and I stick my digital camera in my purse, so I can take pictures. Then I think I should take extra batteries in case the ones in there now run out. So I go over to the rommel drawer where I think batteries are and I open it. I look it in blankly. I open another drawer and look in it  blankly. I say to myself, "What am I looking for?" I close both drawers and stand there a minute. This time, I'm lucky, and I remember. "Oh, yeah, batteries." So I find them and put them in my purse.

How is it that I forget what I'm doing in the time it takes me to walk across a room?


LuAnne Lizotte said...

I read your blog from time to time and it makes me smile. This what am I doing here, happens to me all the time. I have ms so that goes with the disease. I always say there should be a small tv in my fridge so I could watch something while I try to remember what I got in there for!

I'm Just Saying said...

I'm right behind you, sister! I have to laugh or I'd go crazy. I am going with "I have too much on my mind because I am so busy". Busy doing 'what' is a whole different story. B-r-e-a-t-h-e in and b-r-e-a-t-h-e out slowly and it will come to you.