Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cover your eyes

Well, about two weeks until Halloween. I had the TV on while I was doing things on the computer [read: goofing around on Facebook, visiting blogs, and following links] and a commercial came on with an adorable baby crawling along the floor toward the camera. I love babies; nothing is more beautiful than a baby, and I was just enjoying and saying, "Aw," when they morphed the picture into something horrible and then flashed a bunch of horrible images one after another to advertise the horrible movies they plan to show in the days leading up to Halloween. I very much resented that bait and switch.

I always resent when I'm watching a show that I've chosen and disgusting things come on the screen in the commercial breaks. I guess that's one reason I don't watch a lot of TV. But pre-Halloween is a time for extra caution about images on the screen. I do not like and do not want to see images or clips involving: the occult, the paranormal, blood, gore, or putrefaction.

Halloween is not a favorite holiday of mine for that reason. What I do like about Halloween is little kids in cute costumes and giving candy to them. Children and candy: yes. Icky stuff: no. That's how I vote.


Anonymous said...

But wait, you forgot to vote for your most favorite thing on Halloween -- your sister's birthday!!!

Janette Kok said...

True. Why do we even need any other reason to celebrate?