Monday, September 27, 2010

Insert topic here

Oh,  no. Another night where by the time I think to blog, the only topic on my brain is how tired I am. So, what I would ask my readers to do is think of something funny, clever, witty, and/or profound, and then imagine that you read it here. Better yet, write it in the comments.

And here's a picture.

Actually, looking at a picture of the sky does remind me of that topic that never fails to be of interest: the weather. The last couple days it looks like fall out, cloudy, windy, rainy, but then when you actually step outside the temperature is extremely mild, like summer.


I'm Just Saying said...

I am a 'cloud' and sky fan. There is not much more beautiful than a blue sky with lazy clouds or a magnificient sunset or sunrise casting its rays on the cloud formations...but I digress..the photo is beautiful. Very relaxing.

Janette Kok said...

Thanks! And thanks for stopping by.