The deck and yard in the sun.
Pretty cloud.
Mr. Duck came back to the base of the feeder. His feet and body are too big for him to sit on the feeder, but the smaller birds that use the feeder knock seed to the ground, and he eats that.
After the little movie I made of Mr. and Mrs. Duck a while back, we didn't see them for quite a few days. I wondered if it was because my dad had the tree surgeon in, and he cut a lot of branches off trees in our yard. I thought maybe the noise and fuss drove them away. But a couple days ago, Mr. Duck started showing up again. We don't see Mrs. Duck, but my dad and I are wondering if she's sitting on some eggs somewhere. It would be pretty cute if we got ducklings at our feeder. But I hope no cats would get them. Lots of cats come around this feeder.
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