Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday evening blues

I always feel a little down on Sunday nights because the whole work week is ahead. This will be only a 4-day week for me because I am taking Friday off for personal reasons, but still tomorrow will be Monday morning. Also, I keep thinking, "Bummer, rain. Hooray, sun! Oh, bummer, rain. Hooray, sun! Oh, bummer, rain," all afternoon as rain and sun alternate.

I am having company on Saturday of this week, and I want to sweep my deck, but it only sweeps well when it's dry, so what I want is a full day or two of sun, not just sunny intervals in the rain. Because of the company coming, I am anxious about getting my house clean and organized in the coming week. I tell myself to do a little each evening after work, but I'm afraid I won't have the energy.

And a couple situations at work are stressful, too.

On the plus side, although it was raining 15 minutes ago, now there is some late-day, slanting sunlight, and a duck couple is out by the bird feeder.

Two of my aunts, now retirement age, were talking this afternoon about how when they worked just two days a week, they loved going to work and looked forward to it, and it was like a vacation from their housework and family obligations. Meanwhile, when I'm headed to work every day I'm wishing I could stay home. It's not that it's a bad job, it's just the daily grind aspect, and the fact that the job uses up most of my energy and leaves me with not much to devote to things I'd rather do.

Still it's better to have a job than not to, because an income is so necessary. I know I should count my blessings.

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