Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Who killed cock robin?

I've been seeing robins the last couple weeks, but yesterday I came across a dead one. I remembered that I had more irises at the top of the steps on the west side of the house where I had forgotten to apply Sluggo. So I ran up there with the product and on the top step was a robin that had died by violent means. I suppose one of the neighborhood cats is the killer. I left it there, hoping the predator will return to claim its prey. If it's still there next time I look, I guess I'll have to get a shovel and bury it.

The western steps a week ago, when we had a dusting of snow.

The steps last spring, when I had just planted some veronica.
The veronica, aka speedwell, has spread nicely since then.
The nursery rhyme "Who Killed Cock Robin?" Probably not in many of today's children's books, as it might be considered too violent -- murder and capital punishment!

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