Saturday, March 3, 2012

Home Show

This afternoon I went to the Home and Garden Show put on by the The Building Industry Association of Whatcom County at our local fairgrounds.

Walking from where I parked towards the Jansen Building at the
fairgrounds.  To the left is the water tank, painted to resemble the
local landscape.

Today's weather.
I went there to see Ciscoe Morris, the Pacific Northwest's favorite gardening expert. I didn't want to use a flash while he was talking, so my pictures of him mostly came out kind of blurry.

I did ask him a question: When is the best time to prune a contorted filbert? His answer was that the best time is winter or mid-summer, but really anytime is okay. He also advised to be sure to prune away any suckers because they might be a completely different kind of filbert and take over the contorted filbert.

A recent picture of my contorted filbert.
So I'll  have to get on that.

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