Sunday, June 13, 2010

Planting frenzy

Yesterday, Saturday, I made it a goal to get a lot of planting done that I've been trying to accomplish for weeks but unable to do because every weekend kept being rainy. So I sat on the deck (on a folded towel, as the deck was rather cold and damp), surrounded myself with baby plants and the pots to plant them in, and planted away. Here was the scene before me:

I added some of the new potted plants to the groups of pots already on the deck. I try to buy plants that are fragrant. The smaller pots in this picture have the new plants. Perhaps I should have bought larger pots, but I was kind of guessing when I picked up the pots. Anyway, new are a pot of eucalyptus (with round leaves), two wallflowers (the red and yellow flowers), aromatica something-or-other (the purple flowers), and a small succulent, the tag of which I seem to have lost, so I don't know what kind of plant it is:

I think I need to buy some little tables or stands to put some pots on, rather than having them all just sit on the ground in a clump. We need some visual variety. By the way, I had pansies in a lovely pot in on top of the little table in the above picture a couple weeks ago--you can even see it in a recent blog post. Well I was out there with my faithful canine companion, who was tethered with a long leash to a post. He was wandering gently around, dragging that tether when suddenly he saw another dog. He ran to the end of his tether, snapping it tight, dragging it through pots and whatnot, the little table tipped over and the pot of pansies broke. Very annoying.

The table top looks a little dull above. What happened there was I had been using a small brush to brush some green mold off some of the terra cotta pots. My little great nieces visited and found that brush infused with green slime and "painted" the surface of the table with it. I need to clean it off, but I also need a clean brush.

On the left of the below group, the lemon balm is newly planted, and on the right, a lotus vine, which is supposed to get blooms:

The front pot in the below group was newly planted yesterday, which is a plant called Cuban oregano:

The tag for the Cuban oregano adds in parentheses, "ornamental," which I suppose means that as oregano goes, it's not very tasty. I once put just ordinary oregano in my herb barrel, but it tried to take over the whole planter. I had to keep pulling up large amounts of it to keep my other herbs from getting swamped.

Now all I have left to do is the two big barrels in which I put creeping jenny and impatiens, both of which are waiting to go in. They are new, replacement, pots, so I have to haul some dirt in a wheelbarrow to fill the bottom half. I don't see any point in using potting soil for the depths that the plants won't reach. I hope to get that done this afternoon. Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day (at last) while today is a bit overcast, but I'm hoping it doesn't actually rain today.

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