Saturday, November 30, 2019

Second Saturday

Today is like a second Saturday. Thursday, Thanksgiving, was like a Sunday: religious aspect (giving thanks) and big mid-day dinner. Yesterday, Friday, was like Saturday: nothing scheduled. And today is like another Saturday, plus it actually is Saturday.

I have have two kinds of Saturdays. One is the usual: sleep in, intend to do housework but then read and play on the computer all day (possibly with a nap included somewhere). I always justify this Saturday by the fact that I'm worn out by the work week. Yesterday was that type of (pseudo) Saturday. I'm hoping today is the rarer kind: actually carry out my intentions of housework.

The more I can get straightened up today, the better. Tomorrow, of course, is the real Sunday. I generally spend Sunday afternoon at my sister-in-law's house, having the big mid-day meal and then either doing needlework, or just chatting.

Then comes Monday, which would be going-back-to work day, but I scheduled a vacation day. My sister-in-law is coming over and we will do more on the really long, slow project of unpacking and organizing my belongings. I moved back into my house after water-damage repairs in March 2018, and I am still working at it. I don't get much done on my "usual" Saturdays, and forget about weekday evenings.

The only real progress takes place when I schedule a vacation day for this specific purpose. Even then, progress only happens because my sister-in-law comes over and works with me. She keeps me upbeat and focused. She takes away the empty boxes and paper (at least 50% of the area of each box is occupied by crumpled up butcher paper)—otherwise, the clutter issue becomes worse as I unpack, instead of better.

If I can get some cleaning done today, then when she comes we can do more of the actual unpacking without first having to do cleaning.

Also, Amazon had a Black Friday special yesterday and I ordered a Roomba. It's scheduled to be delivered Monday. So, if I have most of the floor space cleared, I can start using that and hopefully have better cleaning maintenance than I have up till now.

Anyway, here's a picture of the wonderful lady who keeps me from getting buried under clutter, mess, and boxes. I don't mention her name, because she is a very private person.

Oh, one more motive for cleaning up is that tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent, and I want to set up my Advent wreath. It would not look pretty in the middle of a mess, so I'll be trying to make my living room worthy of its presence.


Mavis said...

She is a lovely lady! Love you both. "We've had one, yes, but what about second Saturday?"

Janette Kok said...

I thought of that line, too!