Sunday, August 12, 2018

Doggy, come home

A Facebook "reminder" came up today that it was 8 years ago today that my dog went missing. He got out of the house while I was at work, and I didn't find him all evening, although I was out looking for him both on foot and in a car.

I didn't sleep at all that night. I was online looking up the Humane Society and finally figuring out that in the City of Lynden animal control is handled by the police department. The next morning I talked to the animal control officer, and he had picked up my dog on Front Street at about 7:30 p.m.

I was so relieved that he was alive and found. If he had just disappeared, I would have tortured myself imaging how he might have suffered. As it was, I just had to pay a fine and pay for a license for him and get him back.

My dear parents were also relieved for me. They knew how sad and upset I would have been, and, like me, they feared he was gone forever.

Here he is earlier that same year:


Mavis said...

I remember that night, too, and how I prayed and was so glad when you found Jesse. ❤️

Janette Kok said...

Love you, Mave.