Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sick puppy

I took my little dog to the vet today. I noticed on our morning walk that he was limping, and then when we were home, he would hold up his left front paw like it hurt. He did not want me to take a look at it.

So I dropped him off on the way to work, and later the vet called. The pup had a sore on his foot but no broken bones. They ran some bloodwork and his pancreatitis was borderline -- which is typical for him -- and he seemed to have mild hepatitis. So they gave him a shot of cortisone for his foot and a shot of an antibiotic for his hepatitis.

They would have given me antibiotic pills to take home instead of giving him a shot, but I mentioned I have never successfully given him a pill. I have thought I got it down his throat, only to find it, damp with slobber, on the floor somewhere. After several attempts, the pill starts to disintegrate, and, well, it's all very unpleasant for him and me.

Poor sweet baby
All this cost a little chunk of change, of course, but he's worth it to me.

When he held up his little paw, it reminded me of the closing credits of the "Lassie" show, many years ago when I was young.

When I looked up that video, I was sure the tune playing was "Greensleeves," but I was wrong. I wonder if I'm correct in recalling that "Lassie" was on on Sunday nights, and that I might have been in my pajamas when I watched it. I was so young that Sunday night was not overshadowed by the looming sense of impending Monday morning.

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