Saturday, January 16, 2010

Winter sunshine

We had a lot of rain yesterday, then a heavy dewfall last night. This morning when the sun came up, the water evaporated into the air.

At first it was foggy, then it became more of a misty sunshine.

What a mood-lifter.

A winter pansy.

Pansies are such a beautiful flower. How lovely to get a bloom in January.

Late in the afternoon, it clouded over again and became rather chilly. Well, it is January. A mild, sunny morning is a gift. It would be ungrateful to complain that it didn't last.

Last winter was so relentlessly cold. This winter, it is cold sometimes, but it does relent. This morning was one of the softer, kinder weather moments.


Savvy Mummy said...

Hi Janette, very nice first photo of the trees when the sun was coming up..Now i realise you are not in Australia...I thought WA was western australia...:) We are having summer and you are having it makes sense to me..

Janette Kok said...

Isn't the web great, that we can visit gardens on the other side of the world? It makes perfect sense that WA could stand for Western Australia, but in my case it is Washington--the State of, not my nation's capital.