Monday, May 5, 2008

More plants

I filled the last half whiskey barrel. It's on the shady side of the deck and has shade loving plants in it. In the center, a calla lily--such a regal flower. Around the sides, some pink and white variegated leaf plants, and some lobelia with light blue and white flowers. If all goes well, the lobelia will eventually trail over the edges of the pot.

Two hanging baskets at the end of the deck have lobelia with dark blue flowers at the edges and a vibrant red begonia in the middle.

And I planted the second French lavender I bough the other weekend. It is in the foremost pot below.

1 comment:

Savvy Mummy said...

Sister-in-Christ, your calla lily looks gorgeous in the huge tub! Mine's growing wild in the ground..and I was googling on calla lillies when I stumbled upon your blog...nice blog! keep it up!