Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Move along

Nothing to say, I just wanted to make it so that the first post you see at my blog is not one about difficult struggles and so on. Instead, here's a picture of my dogs out on the deck on a hot, sunny day.

Of course, one might find it distressing to see so many weeds growing between the pavers, but today I am optimistic about getting the weeding done. Later I may post about my accomplishment of planting all the plants I have bought so far. That is better than I've done in probably seven or eight years.

Also, I have a nephew & family visiting soon who have teen and pre-teen kids and I may see if I can hire them to help with some deck cleanup. Sometimes when I talk about work like that my sister-in-law says, "That sounds like a job for strong, young grandchildren." I have no grandchildren, but she has. They are still young and strong, but not so young anymore that they are not busy with their own lives.

That's kind of a double-negative, in the grammatical sense, not emotional. Anyway, they are busy doing things like having jobs and getting engaged. I have another grandchild by proxy (i.e. great-niece) who lives locally but is too young for such labor.

So I am hoping the visiting greats will welcome an opportunity to earn some money while helping their old Auntie. (I like to pull out the Old Lady card when handy.) If not, I'll still get it done, just not as quickly. So no pressure, youngest generation.

Okay, one more photo. While I was writing this entry, I felt a warm little presence by my left foot, so I took a quick picture of what was under my desk chair.

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