Saturday, July 25, 2020

Mopping up

Recently I mopped a portion of my kitchen floor.

The end.

That's a big story already, of the "rarely happens" variety.

But wait, there's more!

So I have this mop (a gift from my sister-in-law) that has a little tank on the handle for cleaner and water—whatever you use (I use white vinegar and water)—and there's lever up by the hand-hold that you press and a bit of your cleaning fluid sprays on the floor and you mop it up.

The little tank was low on fluid, so I took it off, rinsed it out, and put it in the sink. I reached for a plastic bottle of vinegar that happened to be nearby and poured some in. As I was setting the bottle aside, the words "No Red Dye" caught my eye. Weird. Since when does vinegar have red dye in it? Was this another case like when I bought gluten-free dryer sheets (really). So I looked again.

Surprise! It was a bottle of hummingbird food. No red dye and therefore clear.

Thank goodness I didn't mop my floor with that! Could have been pretty gross, and I don't doubt that an ant problem would have ensued. So I rinsed out the tank again, filled it with vinegar and water, sloshed it around, poured it out, rinsed it again, and then refilled it with vinegar and water. And I mopped the bit of floor that needed it most.

The end.

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