Monday, March 9, 2020

First work day of Daylight Saving Time

So this morning I set out on my morning commute. Out of my cul-de-sac onto South Park. Made a right turn onto southbound Depot Road. As I turned, a man in a northbound car honked and yelled at me.

What is your problem? I wondered. All I did was turn right.

Continued to Grover and turned left. As I drove on Grover a man in a truck behind me honked and gestured.

Maybe I have a flat tire?

I pulled over and rolled down my window. He pulled alongside and called out: "Your coffee cup is on your roof."

"Thank you!" I yelled back.

I got out of my car and, sure enough, there was my coffee cup on the roof of my car. It had slid over to the door jamb. Some coffee had splashed out, and what was left was a little cold, but I drank it anyway. I needed it.

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