Tuesday, July 31, 2018

C'mon, get happy

On my drive home, while still in Bellingham, I saw a doe and two fawns walking across the street. They happened to be in a crosswalk. Pedestrians in a crosswalk always have the right of way. They made me smile.

Today I was googling terms involving the word "happy." I found a twitter page called Cute Emergency, which features adorable animal videos and photos. There is also a Cute Emergency Instagram page.

Another reason for happiness is that the weather is cooling down. We had several days at about 90 degrees Fahrenheit, but today the high was down to about 80—still higher than I like it, but better than 90—and it's forecast to drop down into the mid-70s as the week goes on, and maybe even some rain showers later in the week.

We could use rain. Not only is the ground dry, but we have smoke in the air from fires in British Columbia, Canada. Not as bad as last year, but just hazy. You can't see the mountains.

Another reason to be happy is that in 16 days my sister will come visit me. The day she arrives is our folks' wedding anniversary. If they were living, it would be their 66th anniversary. When my folks had been married 62 years, I told my dad that if their marriage were a person it could collect social security.

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