Saturday, December 24, 2011

Quiet and green

Here is the view out my living room window this afternoon on Christmas Eve day. It's going to be a green Christmas in Lynden this year. I looked back through my blog, and it was 2008 that we had a white Christmas.

I'm looking forward to a quiet afternoon and evening, and I hope my expectations are met. I need to finish wrapping presents for the family gathering tomorrow, and that's really my whole agenda besides just enjoying being at home.

Tomorrow will be the celebratory day with church, a family get-together, and opening presents. That will be nice, too.


Savvy Mummy said...

What a pretty tranquil view, I think if you have a bay window, I can sit there and look out for a long time. :)

Janette Kok said...

No bay window -- too bad. It's nice to sit on the deck furniture outside, but the weather needs to be warmer.